First, make sure all the information on your credit report is accurate.
Second, try to pay off all or any accounts that are currently in collections or make payment arrangements with the creditor to pay off the balance monthly.
Third, any credit card that is over 50% of the available credit line should be paid down to under half of your total credit line. Your credit score is lowered when your available balance is over 50% of your total credit line.
Finally, if you have bad or no credit and have no credit cards try to obtain two credit cards and make sure all of your monthly payments are made on time. This will help increase your credit score. If you cannot be approved for a unsecured credit card, obtain a secured credit card.I have horrible credit. How can I get back on track?
Good advice!
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Well, I called a place that I heard on a radio station here in Indianapolis-they are always advertising for this place, called ';CCRS';. If you want the phone#, and the price they charge, I would be more than happy to give it to you. I called...
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His book 'The Total Money Makeover' has completely changed my life. I no longer borrow money, I am currently paying off debt and ALL my bills are paid on time. Read the book! It will change your life too!
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Speaking from experience here: If your write off debt is almost 7 years old, don't pay it because it will roll off of your credit report once it is 7 years old. Use that money for more current debt. Don't make any new bills and pay the bills with the highest interest rate first.
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I've been battling the Credit Agencies for nearly 5 years and finally things are accurate. There's lots of other ways to establish credit other than cards. My suggestion is to find out exactly what's on your report, contact the places which have discrepancies and STAY ON TOP OF IT.
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Pay your bills!!! Some people act like credit scores are just handed out by the luck of the draw. ';Poor me, I drew the short stray and got bad credit.'; Having things ';written off'; is NOT a good thing! If you can't afford it, don't buy it! How hard is that?!
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you should really look into dave ramsey and stop borrowing money. Then you wont have to worry about a credit score at all...
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pay off credit cards with the highest interest rates first, then close them and cut up your cards. Never buy anything that you don't have money for and only use credit in emergencies.
Get a part-time job and use that money to double up on payments.
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There's some companies that will help fix your credit. Although they charge a lot it works. I know the name of one in Nebraska if you want it.
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an easy way for me to restore my ';cicumstance bad credit'; was to obtain a secured credit card through my bank-after a year of using my ';debit/check card'; as credit whenever i purchased something. after two years, i opted in for a secured credit card and now have several credit cards. (unsecured).
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1. remove all of old address from ur credit reports. 2. dispute negative tradelines. 3. research Over a year ago I had 10+ negative marks including 2 judgments. 3 mos ago I closed on my first house . u can repair ur credit, but it takes a lot of work on ur part.
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The secure credit card is an excellent idea. They usually have low available balances so you wouldn't get into trouble and after a year with a good payment history you can usually get your deposit back.
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Here's how you do it.
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Working in the mortgage industry I've learned to help my clients by telling them to have a credit report run to see if there are any collections. If there are, pay them asap. Also, when paying cred cards paymts, pay double or if possible, pay triple the paymt.
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Getting a secured card is fine but make sure that you understand what they you are getting into. Most secured cards require that you pay off the front loaded charges and fees before accessing the credit line.
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Jon W said it best!!!!
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I think you should ask yourself, ';aside from small things, is my bad credit really effecting me?'; If not, then ignore them. Don't listen to the ';tools'; who have answered you saying ';pay your bills.'; Live your own life and don't worry.
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';Third, any credit card that is over 50% of the available credit line should be paid down to under half of your total credit line. Your credit score is lowered when your available balance is over 50% of your total credit line';
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Not sure where freewainwright's head is. I hate to see what his crdt looks like. I have to keep his name in mind if he were to ever apply for a home loan. If a bill is ';affecting'; not ';effecting'; your crdt then how can you just ignore it? You must pay it, which will inturn raise your crdt score.
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I think that檚 great advice but first you need to get to the root of the problem , I suggest seeing a financial councilor before getting a credit card.
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Sleep with me, that should take care of it
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The one thing not mentioned is the fact that paying an account in collections will only have it marked as paid on your credit report and will not help the score. Try to negotiate a deal where the lender agrees to fully remove the item from your report for payment.
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Make sure you get a copy stating that they will due this before you make a payment.
Some may say that they cannot do this. This is not true. Any company that puts something on your credit report can remove it. They are the ones that report the information to the credit agencies.
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I have been in the financial counseling field for quite sometime. I have helped many friends and family members clean up there credit. If you would like I would be happy to talk to you about it at no cost. Drop me an email and i will give you my contact info.
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Obsolete/ incorrect info on your credit report should be disputed with the 3 bureaus. Once the obsolete or incorrect information is removed it will improve your score. Delinquent items will stay on for 7-10 years.
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Get a checking account %26amp; pay fixed expenses w/checks. Figure out your monthly bills , pay them 1st, %26amp; cash the rest of your pay for other stuff. I got a consolidation loan from my bank %26amp; I save TONS while paying off my credit card debt... I'll pay off my cards in less than 2 years instead of 7.
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You might try Debt Consolodation. I myself have horrible credit, and now I will be out of debt in under a year because of them. They have saved me THOUSANDS!!!!.
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Only use debit consolidation if absolutely necessary - this could lower your credit score also do not pay off long outstanding credit cards, let it remain open. Check out To get a your credit score it.
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Thomas V above has the right answer. I can offer a tip; save up a sum of cash equal to 60% of the bill, contact the creditor and make them an offer of immediate payment if they can reduce the bill by half.
Some creditors will take the offer just to clear the case rather than go without the money.
Pay your bills! Especially the ones that have been so-called 'written off'. Those are like a big black smudge on your credit that basically say: ';This person won't pay their bills and we finally gave up trying.'; It's little wonder nobody trusts you!
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